Friday, April 10, 2015

Dark-Web-Journal Entry #6

In class we watched a documentary titled Inside the Dark Web.The documentary focused on how government and corporations infiltrate your online information and use it for their benefit.This documentary surprised me as it wasn't what I was expecting.I imagined a documentary that showed how governments abusing their authority and secretly spying on their own citizens for the majority of the program,but it also showed how corporations sold your online searches to other corporations for a profit.The details of these searches are similar to the product of the company that purchased your records.This surprised me, because corporations working together to accomplish a similar objective is unusual.The documentary also focused on discrete online search engines and websites and how it was used during various different forms of political unrest across very unstable regions or they could be used to purchase illicit substances discretely,without government monitoring.There is an ongoing process where governments are trying to monitor anonymous entities[like Tor],but the process is difficult as many believe it's another way government will extend into the last online stronghold.So were faced with a dilemma,either allow government to monitor everything online(which isn't ideal)or allow people to use anonymous websites freely and possibly allow criminal offenders to operate freely?          

Privacy on the internet

In class we read an article from the office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.The article presented a fictional school with fictional students and how those students who were very irresponsible with their information. It showed various different possible situations where the students information was violated,because of their false sense of security.By the end of the article the students finally understood that their information show have more security.After reading this article I think my information is largely secure.It is important to have strong privacy settings because someone will use it to embarrass someone publicly or use your information to blackmail.No information would online would be ideal,but unlikely because most people who live in the First World have someone line footprint.Being safe online will be and important issue in the future for adolescents.                    
                                                        Everyday Privacy
This article confirmed what I already knew.It shows how various different online users ranging form "shady people "to police or corporations are interested in your information for various purposes.Someone could be monitored at their favorite coffee shop or at home.Most of the information presented in the article wasn't surprising because after watching documentaries and reading articles in this class and also including my own personal research on this topic,I wasn't surprised which entities were interested in someone"s information.    

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reflections on my Digital Life

                                                             Digital Media                                                                          My reaction to the questions presented was one of interest because I was surprised about the amount of my responses that were correct in the questionnaire because usually without any prior research I do not a large amount of correct responses,but everyone else who be facing similar problems as myself.My colleague, Hugo and I compared answers after we had completed the questionnaire and we were surprised about how many answers were correct.I was astonished about how high of a percentage some of the collections of student responses.For example the percentage of student between the ages of 6 to 18 who have had a conversation about internet safety was 85% ,but I thought it was 15% I think the statistics presented in the questionnaire not presentable of the technologies I use.I consider myself a mediocre texting user as I do not use texting as often as an average teenager would in the developed world would,but I do use my phone daily for research purposes.I also have facebook and youtube accounts, with I go on routinely.I use my phone for sustained periods of time and I think it my most used technological device.        
                                                        Digital World                                                                              One upside for myself in the digital world is I'm able to get information about a topic much faster than going out to a library and find the up to date information on the topic.One downside of this is that information presented on the internet may be "up to date" ,but the information might be incorrect and when searching information online you have to verify the information.My relationships on social media with others is not very large.I don't not have a large amount of conversations with others online because I haven't been online that often to have relationships with others.I find society and the internet have a positive and negative partnership.For example:people use social media to organize events, whether there,significant or insignificant. Despite this a small portion of the online population uses it to intimidate and torment others online and other disrespectful actions.I usually don't create much content online,and never usually connect with others because those activitiesdon't interest me.