Thursday, December 17, 2015

Automobile Body Styles and Design

Automobile Body Styles 
Trucks or pickup trucks are the workhorses of the auto industry. They come with an open, flat bed that can haul a variety of cargo.The suspension can hold large amounts of weight. 

 Vans are capable of securely holding a large amount of cargo or passengers, vans are significantly styled for practicality rather than other factors such as performance. 

 Convertible vehicles provide an open-air passenger cabin for traveling during good weather and provide the protection of a retractable roof when weather conditions turn unpleasant.

 A car-based machine with large storage space.The body style of the wagon has a sizable accommodation for passengers and cargo.

scroll down and you'll find it
Sports Car
  Sports cars are intent to create an atmosphere of fun for the driver on the streets or possibly on the race track.Bugatti Veyron 16.4 – Frontansicht (1), 5. April 2012, Düsseldorf.jpg

Automobile Design

  • It takes 3 years to design a car.
  • When they start designing a vehicle, the first thing they do is sketching.
  • It is called problem solving because of the constrain of what they're able to put in an automobile.
  • The feasibility stage is were engineers,marketers, and a lot negotiation are involved.
  • No because I  would not be interested because of all of the stress and time constrains involved.        

Monday, December 14, 2015

Jobs in the Automotive Industry

My favourite job in the list is the Automotive Journalist because its the easiest job on the list and you get to write about automobiles and any new functions they have. It is also a job that many people possess. My least favourite job would be the Race Car because the attention I may receive would always be to invasive on my private living. The stress and trying focus on racing all the time would be a thing I do not wish to be a part of.  

Certification in the Automotive Industry.

 NATEF- The purpose of NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) is to improve the quality of automotive technician training programs at secondary and post-secondary, public and for-profit schools.
SGS- The purpose of SGS is to manage your supply chain, provide safe and dependable vehicles, improve quality, efficiency and protection,and decrease the environmental impact.
ASE- The purpose of ASE is to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive technician.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Careers in the Automotive Industry

  • Some of the things that were unheard of 30 years ago were things like stability and traction control system, adaptive cruise control and variable valve.
  • To be an automobile technician you need to have an understanding of math, science, communications and other technical skills.
  • An advantage of taking an education in Automotive Technology is that a course would take far less time complete than other courses in the High-Tech industry. Since the course does not long to complete most students who take Automotive Technology come out with less student debt.
  • The  U.S Dept. of Labor's Bureau of Labor estimates that 237,500 new jobs will be added to the Automotive Repair and Maintenance Industry by 2020. This industry is also expected to grow by 30% by 2020.
  • The automotive technician Career has become immune to outsourcing overseas unlike several other careers in the automotive industry.
  • Four positions that automotive technician can became when they enter the automotive industry are parts distribution, store owner, service consultant and service director.
  • It is called the portal career because so many people have started out as Automotive Technicians and acquired large sums of money for the work they do.
Response to the Video
  • One aspect I liked about being an automotive technician is that you may have to try different things in order to discover the problem the customer is having with their vehicle.
  • I surprised at how little information the student going to work at the dealership knew about Automotive Technology. I was surprised at how easily the problem was fixed despite the customer much about the problem the car is having.
  • Life long learning is the idea that over the course of your life you never stop learning information.It is necessary because if you never learn anything new you will never succeed.
  • They should have some understanding of how an automobile works and also any electronic devices that are used in automobiles.       

Friday, December 11, 2015

Part Two of Two - Tech for the Sake of Tech?

  • I do not find it surprising that people between the ages of 21 and 38 are uninterested with the amount of technology available in their cars because some of the technology options available are completely useless to their everyday lives. The apps might be interesting and show how far technology has come along, but when your driving to work they might not be as useful.Our generation however, might find these useful because where even more connected to digital technology than our predecessor generation and we also have a lot more time available than our predecessor generation as well.
  • I think the technologies that some drivers wished for in the articles like adaptive cruise control and blind spot warnings would be useful because it makes driving safer while still having the independence of driving. I believe these technologies will make driving safer and will not cause distractions because they will inform the driver about any issues they may encounter.
  • When buying a new vehicle my family a I do not look for any technology instead for other factors like P rice or Fuel Mileage. If the Car comes with the basic things then my family a I  are happy.
  • If I was purchasing a car I would like to have the feature that would be able to connect your cellphone with the stereo in the car. I would also like to have Bluetooth available so I do not have to use my cellphone while driving.
  • I think the most useless feature introduced in the timeline was the introduction of the 1992 Energy Act as it not provide any thing new to the consumer. The Energy Act encouraged car to run of other forms of fuel. It may have been great because car companies had to build cars that run on alternate fuels, but not providing new things that protect consumers and improves their driving experience.                   

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Part One of Two - Technologies in Development

  • I think the technology that is least likely to happen are the Next-Gen Active Safety Features   because how would this technology be useful to an automated driving system. If the majority of cars in the future become automated this technology will be useful for cars that still have Human Drivers. 
  • I do not believe that any of the 6 technologies will have a big impact on society.Why? Flying have been proposed for a long time, electric cars have been on the market for years and will increase only because Oil is a resource that won't survive the century, Automated cars and technologies that take the independence out of driving will not be popular with everyone. These technologies will be used by more people in the coming decades, but only a minority of the population will use them.
  • I think the first one that will be used widespread in automobiles will be the electric car as electric cars are already on the market, and adding batteries that last for longer periods of time won't be a difficult challenge.
  • Ford's new system will keep drivers safe by making drivers aware more aware of the situation around them by showing them traffic and making them aware of their stress level. If other drivers are not driving in an appropriate manner, you can be made aware and address it accordingly
  • I'm not in favour of flying cars because a car is meant to be driven not flew. An advantage of flying cars is that you could arrive at your destination at a faster speed that you normally would. A disadvantage of flying cars is that they would be very difficult to use for the average Joe. A plane is difficult thing to drive without the added benefit of also being able to be used as a car.
  • Self driving cars are could for who have difficulty driving cars. People who like to drive and see scenery may like self driving. I personally don't like self driving cars because they take the freedom of driving away and being driven around seems lazy to me as driving a car is not that difficult because most people living the West have automobiles and know how to use them.