Monday, February 23, 2015

Responce to video

The first video I watched was about cloud computing.Its was very clear and easy to understand and not confusing.It tells the story of Frank the dog and his owner who only has one photo and doesn't want to lose it.So his owner wants to upload his photo to the internet so he does not lose them.The owner uploads to one of the various photo sites.This is called cloud computing and Franks photo is saved over different locations on the planet. If the photo of Frank is damaged then it can be recovered.

   The second is about the internet in general.It wasn't as clear as its predecessor and was very confusing.It explains information about the history of the internet and general information regarding the way the internet functions.This video is very fast paced and not easy to understand.                                      
   The video I found regarding the playstation 4 told me about the PS4's improvements like how much easier some features are to use like the systems Dual shock 4 and how the system's has changed physically.It also elaborates more on a facial recognition system.It also has become more socially active,now being more able to contact friends and post things to social media.    

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