Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mr Savoy's presentation-Journal Entry 5

This Tuesday were presented with a presentation by Mr Savoy from district office about apps,social media, consoles systems and console games in relation to Adolescents. The presentation was 1 hour long. He mentioned information about these services and told us about incidents which happened on the Miramichi River region which where related to these technologies. We have been presented with information similar to this in the past and most of the information presented was the same.However some new things have been added to the presentation. For example a couple of years ago Facebook was the main social media site, but now adolescents have moved on to more unfamiliar to the majority of society. The most interesting part of the presentation was the video that Jack Vale posted on Youtube. Jack Vale went around and confronted people with their personal information they posted online. He was trying to see what reaction he would get out of the people that posted their information online, and in most cases their reaction was one of shock as most were surprised at the amount of their personal information he knew.                          

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Facebook Follies- Journal Entry 4

The documentary that we had watched the previous Friday was about Facebook security and other mishaps people have encountered in the virtual world and the real world. The documentary was called Facebook Follies and was made available by the Doc Zone a part of the CBC. I found the documentary informative in teaching about certain examples of security and personal information.For example, one politician from Vancouver,British Columbia who was running for the New Democratic Party of British Columbia had information on Facebook,that was deemed inappropriate for a public official and used by his opponent representing the Liberal Party of British Columbia.However these photos had been several years before he ran for political office.He eventually gave up running for political office.This is very alarming to someone like myself because I may one run for Political Office and I don't want embarrassing information from my past to shatter my political ambitions.One thing I found interesting from this documentary was Jim from Saskatchewan and how he was reunited with his biological fathers family via Facebook and learned more about the father he really knew much about.The stories the documentary presented,told that the online world has been a place of unification and destruction makes me want to learn more about this topic.                                    

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Journal Entry 3

I do consider myself an avid gamer and use games regularly on a variety of systems and play with friends on weekly basis.I think I am a gamer because I show an interest in the gaming industry and the products the industry provides and whether the games live up to all gamer's expectations.I currently own a PS2,PS3 and the newest gaming console the PS4. I also have a wide range of games on my phone and use them for fun and entertainment,when my gaming consoles are unavailable.I like to play  First Person Shooters and Open World themed games. My favorite game series is the Grand Theft Auto franchise and I often play it regularly with friends on my PS4.I find Sploder very hard to use and I'm not a fan of creating games,but I understand why game developers take a significant amount of time to produce content and that same content may have issues. I used the Retro Arcade to create my game for Sploder. I used it because it was the funniest one to use.I found the controls on Sploder very confusing to use and when I tried to put things in in my game environment it was a difficult process.I  don't think game creation will be one of mine future endeavors as I'm not very efficient at creating well produced games.                

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

James Journal Entry 2

I learned that that the internet is a complicated subject and has many different functions.In the Cloud computing video I learned about about has a picture is saved through various sections of the internet.  In the Web 2.0 video we learned about the history of the internet and how it works.I found the Web 2.0 very confusing to understand and how to get information from it.I selected a video on the new gaming system the PlayStation 4.I like how Google Drive saves all of your information automatically ,instead of saving it manually,forgetting to save is dangerous as you could lose all your unsaved work.I found trying to access Google Drives somewhat conf using.