Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mr Savoy's presentation-Journal Entry 5

This Tuesday were presented with a presentation by Mr Savoy from district office about apps,social media, consoles systems and console games in relation to Adolescents. The presentation was 1 hour long. He mentioned information about these services and told us about incidents which happened on the Miramichi River region which where related to these technologies. We have been presented with information similar to this in the past and most of the information presented was the same.However some new things have been added to the presentation. For example a couple of years ago Facebook was the main social media site, but now adolescents have moved on to more unfamiliar to the majority of society. The most interesting part of the presentation was the video that Jack Vale posted on Youtube. Jack Vale went around and confronted people with their personal information they posted online. He was trying to see what reaction he would get out of the people that posted their information online, and in most cases their reaction was one of shock as most were surprised at the amount of their personal information he knew.                          

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