Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Assignment #2: Privacy Please

  • School report cards and daily attendance should be digital and passwords should be issued for parents to log in and check results.


  1.  Report cards written on paper can easily be lost, or hidden from parents.
  2. It would allow the caregiver of the child to check how well the child in question is doing in school , whenever they to see needed to see their "marks"
  1. Parents may not bother to log in and check how their child is performing in school.
  2. Parents/Caregiver may forget their passwords. 
  3. Information could somehow be deleted, hacked or altered. 
  • Schools in 2020 should be closed and teachers and students should begin learning in virtual classrooms using digital technology at home. 
  1. It would keep students from missing time due to injuries or sickness.
  2. There would be no worry about being late for class.
  1. Students may not bother to do anything while at home because they may only get any backing to ``do there best``mentality at school from teachers and nobody to encourage them to have a ``do there best``mentality at home.
  2. There are many more distractions that happen at home then there are in a classroom setting. 
  3. If they needed one-on-one help with the teacher , it would be more difficult to access this right then get it at a school.  
  • Digital text books should replace entirely paper textbooks by 2020 in New Brunswick.
  1. Students may become more interested about the topics presented in class if they have something digital rather than just a textbook.
  2. Unlike regular textbooks, digital textbooks cannot be drawn on or pages would not be ripped,
  3. It would be faster and easier to use.
  1. It would be very expensive and would not happen within 5 year time period
  2. If broken, it would be hard to replace.
  3. Students could ``fool around`` with them causing a distraction.

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