Thursday, October 29, 2015

Assignment #1: One Mississippi

1.It made me think that while driving that one's attention must be put on driving the vehicle and not reading text messages on the a cell phone.
2.This commercial is effective because it shows that cell phone usage can be fatal,even if take our eyes off the road for a couple seconds.It may not change anything because people may still not listen and believe that practice with texting and driving will prevent accidents from occurring.
3.I think an internal system within the car ,connecting to the phone that said messages like "can't talk now" or "I'm busy (I'm aware that system like this already exists in some cars) .
4.If I do see someone texting driving while I'm in the vehicle, I'll inform that I wasn't happy with the way they drive and ask them nicely to seize all activities of texting and driving and if they refuse I will find another source of transportation.    

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Journal Entry #4 (Netiquette)

The think I found most surprising about about Netiquette was that corporations can use over reaching user agreements into the products they provide.It was surprising because I surprised at the level corporations could go if you violated a user that you did not read.I do not most internet users concern themselves with reading user agreements when joining a website,because the process of reading a user agreement is tedious and most people lack the time.I would rate online behavior at a 9 because I believe no can attain a full ten.I will not use much from this unit,but continue to use common sense while operating my digital devices. I think the biggest issue facing young people while using the internet is a lack of patience when it comes to talking with others and reading user agreements.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Online Discussion Boards (Assignment #3)

1.They are similar in the way they expect us to use common sense while communicating.
2. I find all the guidelines included are important while discussing the standards for online communication.
3.I have never made comments on an online discussion board,  because I was afraid of being isolated in the online world.
4.Yeah I think I would enjoy a course because the internet is will be the most important thing the 21st century and a student conversation will be important to understanding how the internet works     

Do As I Say (Assignment #2)

1. I do not wish to lose a chance at making "a go of it" in politics and being a hindrance on the internet.
2.I do not wish to cause other people harm on the computer.
3.I like having a great moral compass and having a moral compass means having a set of morals and following them,so when I' m on the internet I'd like to have morals.
4.I care about what other people thing of me so I do not do things that the "average Joe" doesn't like.   5.I also keep myself on a "moral compass" that in 20 years the possible idiotic things I do may come back to hurt myself. It could hurt while trying to get employment and may hurt my position with the community around me.

Online Standards of Service Use: (Assignment #1)

5 companies that have service agreements are corporations like Facebook,Snapchat,Google Accounts,Netflix, and The App Store(I know that's 6 but, I wanted to make sure that I had 5 listed so in case one turns out to be false).One thing scary about digital user agreements is that your photos can be used without one's consent.If you post a photo to website which has one of these clauses then the photo belongs to the website/corporation you posted it to.Another scary thing is that corporations can remove products that were already purchased by you and remove them from YOUR device.They have this right because of the user agreement you signed,which may include removing,suspending a product from, well everyone who downloaded it and removing the product from their website.When you buy the product,your not actually buying it,instead your buying a license to use it.Anther scary user agreement involves making your digital device inoperable.It won't be able to use it's intended functions,like connecting to the internet or playing digital games. Also another scary digital user agreement is car helping devices like On star which can now track every move you do with your car  This is very scary because now everything you say and every law you break can be recorded.One scary thing is that these user agreements have clauses that remove your right to sue over what you made consider ill treatment.These were 5 things I found on this website .When I began to use this article as a source of information I wasn't aware of the vulgar language included and instead of finding another article I used this one (I was on strict time schedule while writing this article and did not want to start from scratch).

Monday, October 26, 2015

Journal Entry #3(Digital Rights and Responsibilities)

The think I found most surprising was how similar digital rights and responsibilities are similar to our rights and responsibilities in the outside world,like showing common sense.No I do not think most act responsibly online because statements made outside the online world have drastically different outcomes, and therefore most people are careless online.I would choose Thou shall be respectful of others opinion on the internet as my most important internet commandment.I think this is important because I don't think constant harassment should tolerated,as in real life.The biggest issue is whether or not the internet causes mental health problems. Maybe statements made online have a large influence over young people's life and have significant consequences.           

Friday, October 23, 2015

Journal Entry #2 (Digital Communication)

I was surprised about the all the different parts to digital communication.I never really thought digital communication until the project showed up and after completing  the assignments I feel I understand it a lot better. I did not learn much from the video(as the quality was poor),but one thing I did learn was that common sense also applies to a large portion of the internet.Other than that I never really "took in" anything else in the video.Blind Carbon is basically an email that shows who sent it to you and the information contained in the email,but not who the email is also sent to(it may not always be sent to another individual).I would use it the circumstance of a test of communication,to see if individuals in question trusted each other with"private emails".The advice I give to young people is to use common sense (like they would with someone communicating on the street) when operating Digital  Communication.         

Assignment #2 Acronyms Attack

1. I can think of 3 more,but I'm uncertain if the ones I may list may already be well known .One could be Rftr (Ready For the Road),Htfb (Hit the 4 Barrel) and Lgfr(Lets go for a rip).These one's will help when talking about offload vehicles.
2.I would never acronyms while in a professional setting like something related. I might use acronyms in casual setting,but never often.  

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Assignment #1 (Communication Compass)

Assignment #1 (Communication Compass)
1.The digital communication can be defined as having some from of communication in the digital world.
2.A few digital communication advantages are:
  • It moves much fast and is easier to work with.
  • No paper is wasted during digital communication. 
  • The messages can be stored on a digital device for longer times, without being damaged by the amount of information,unlike paper files that can easily get damaged or be eaten by insects. 
  •  Digital communication can take place over large distances through the  internet. 
  •  It is comparatively cheaper than material communication and the work which requires a lot of people can be done simply by one person as folders and other such facilities can be maintained. 
  • It removes semantic barriers because the written data can be easily changed to different languages using software. 
  •  It provides facilities like video conferencing which save a lot of time, money and effort. 
A few disadvantages of digital communication are:
  •  It is unreliable because the messages cannot be recognized by signatures.Though software can be developed for this, the software can be easily hacked. 
  • Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication can be harmful as messages can be sent with the click of the mouse not allowing the person to think of the full impact of the message.
  • Digital Communication has completely ignored the human way of life.A personal touch cannot be established because all the computers will have the same way of communication.
  • The establishment of digital communication causes degradation of the environment in some cases. "Electronic waste" is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds.  
  • Digital communication has made the whole world an "office space." People can carry their workplace to places where they are suppose to relax. Even in the office, digital communication causes problems because personal messages can come on "work" cell phone, internet, etc. 
  • Many people misuse the efficiency of digital communication. The sending of hoax messages or people hacking  confidential files , etc can cause harm to society.
3.One of the most popular forms of digital communication is the cell phone.Cell phones are used by a large amount of people living in the Western World.Cell phones are extremely small and can be used just about anywhere on the planet.The next most popular form of digital communication is "Social Networking".This one is second because it is very easy to talk with others and is easier to use.It is also very easy to access information.Email has become the least popular because it is very complicated  to make an account and is also not as user friendly as texting.
4.I believe that email will become irrelevant within the next couple of years because it is complicated to use and its day of use has passed.Another one that might  disappear within a couple years is the  "Audio only Cell phone". Desk top computers  will be obsolete as many people will use something smaller and more portable and hopefully cheaper to use.
5.If you are wanted by a government or some other organized military unit, your location could be detected by using digital communication.Your employer may be aware that you are interacting  on social media at your workplace while you are  suppose to be doing your job.You should not use social media while in a war zone as the enemy could identify your location and attack your military post. Using digital communication while operating a vehicle is against the law and carries a big fine as focusing on your cell phone and not on your driving could cause motor vehicle accidents. Using Digital Communication while in social settings can be annoying to other people using that area.Using  a cell phone can be distracting while moving around in a public area as the user may not notice dangerous situations.    
6.The two things that present a threat to personal health are the cell phone and social media Why,because spending time looking at a small screen isn't very good on your eyes and spending hours reading through Facebook isn't good for one's self esteem.
7.No because digital communication has always expanded and affected more people's lives.If you look anywhere over a large area of people someone is using digital communication.Most people under the age of 18  lack self control and may use something continually,that is why digital communication will continue to expand.
8.This should be up to the family to decide what to do with one's online records.The family can be contacted by the various connections the person in question made by digital communication.So,if the family wants the records destroyed or kept and documented, it's their right.           

Monday, October 19, 2015

Journal #1:Digital Security

1.One thing I found surprising was how complicated the process was. The process off creating a password and making yourself safe online was extremely difficult.The acronym SCREWBALL is a good example of how complex becoming a member of civilized internet is.That's what I found most surprising about online or digital security.
2.I found all the different parts very difficult and confusing to understand, but it is this way in order to discourage hackers and other online hazards.I struggled to understand the information provided.This unit may be important to others, but not to myself because I have great online security and rarely take risks.
3.I think my passwords are very secure and doubt  that my online privacy would be compromised.I make these conclusions because you would have to know a lot of information about me which is highly unlikely  that you would be able to glean any personal information to access to my online accounts.
4.The most important thing to remember when considering online security is that your personal finances are secure and that your private life is safe.If these things are compromised then you may lose things like your house, your car and other items because you will not have the money to make the  payments.If your privacy is violated then you may lose friends and family due to something posted online that you thought was secure, that was not,but in a majority of cases the most one will lose is their respect among peers.  

Digital Security (Assignment One)

1.The passwords listed are some off the worst because a computer program that is made for looking for complicated passwords we find these relatively quickly and the purpose of a password becomes pointless
2.According to my recollection I have never used any of the passwords in the past.
3.Yes I do consider Seniors and Adults more likely do use these passwords because they are not as computer wise ON AVERAGE than their younger counterparts.If they do we can advise them to change their password or if they infriltrated it still may be best to change their password.
4.Possible passwords that weren't included on this short list could be qwerty,123456789 and 111111.
5.A password should be at least 7 digits long to be NBED password so my guess is that it should be 7 digits or longer to be a "strong password".

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monster Mash

I choose this piece of art because I was limited for options and this seemed to be the best out of the pictures available I choose my monster because I wished for my monster to be independent of the pack that were posted.I was inspired by fish for my monster design .The easiest part of this project was finding my boat.The Hardest part was drawing the

Friday, October 2, 2015

Google Drive Apps

French Dictionary 
I downloaded this app on Google Drive.It is your typical translation computer device. It works by writing the word in English and translating it into  French.The app would be very useful at school if we allowed to use it.
Floor planner
I never used floor planner (as you have to buy it), but it is your run of the mill House designer app.If your into that sort of thing this app is for you.    

Toon Town Photo Bomb

I picked a scene from Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze.I picked this scene because Julian from Trailer Park Boys loves Dirty Dancing.I placed Julian from Trailer Park Boys in the place of Patrick Swayze because when Julian was a child he loved Dirty Dancing. He even played scenes from the movie in private and acted as Patrick Swayze when he this.I have considered a career in documentary and film. One thing that concerns me about this industry is the safety of myself and others around me because it may involve going to dangerous regions and asking risky questions.