Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Online Standards of Service Use: (Assignment #1)

5 companies that have service agreements are corporations like Facebook,Snapchat,Google Accounts,Netflix, and The App Store(I know that's 6 but, I wanted to make sure that I had 5 listed so in case one turns out to be false).One thing scary about digital user agreements is that your photos can be used without one's consent.If you post a photo to website which has one of these clauses then the photo belongs to the website/corporation you posted it to.Another scary thing is that corporations can remove products that were already purchased by you and remove them from YOUR device.They have this right because of the user agreement you signed,which may include removing,suspending a product from, well everyone who downloaded it and removing the product from their website.When you buy the product,your not actually buying it,instead your buying a license to use it.Anther scary user agreement involves making your digital device inoperable.It won't be able to use it's intended functions,like connecting to the internet or playing digital games. Also another scary digital user agreement is car helping devices like On star which can now track every move you do with your car  This is very scary because now everything you say and every law you break can be recorded.One scary thing is that these user agreements have clauses that remove your right to sue over what you made consider ill treatment.These were 5 things I found on this website http://www.cracked.com/article_19683_6-terrifying-user-agreements-youve-probably-accepted.html .When I began to use this article as a source of information I wasn't aware of the vulgar language included and instead of finding another article I used this one (I was on strict time schedule while writing this article and did not want to start from scratch).

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