Thursday, October 29, 2015

Assignment #1: One Mississippi

1.It made me think that while driving that one's attention must be put on driving the vehicle and not reading text messages on the a cell phone.
2.This commercial is effective because it shows that cell phone usage can be fatal,even if take our eyes off the road for a couple seconds.It may not change anything because people may still not listen and believe that practice with texting and driving will prevent accidents from occurring.
3.I think an internal system within the car ,connecting to the phone that said messages like "can't talk now" or "I'm busy (I'm aware that system like this already exists in some cars) .
4.If I do see someone texting driving while I'm in the vehicle, I'll inform that I wasn't happy with the way they drive and ask them nicely to seize all activities of texting and driving and if they refuse I will find another source of transportation.    

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