Monday, October 19, 2015

Digital Security (Assignment One)

1.The passwords listed are some off the worst because a computer program that is made for looking for complicated passwords we find these relatively quickly and the purpose of a password becomes pointless
2.According to my recollection I have never used any of the passwords in the past.
3.Yes I do consider Seniors and Adults more likely do use these passwords because they are not as computer wise ON AVERAGE than their younger counterparts.If they do we can advise them to change their password or if they infriltrated it still may be best to change their password.
4.Possible passwords that weren't included on this short list could be qwerty,123456789 and 111111.
5.A password should be at least 7 digits long to be NBED password so my guess is that it should be 7 digits or longer to be a "strong password".

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