Thursday, December 17, 2015

Automobile Body Styles and Design

Automobile Body Styles 
Trucks or pickup trucks are the workhorses of the auto industry. They come with an open, flat bed that can haul a variety of cargo.The suspension can hold large amounts of weight. 

 Vans are capable of securely holding a large amount of cargo or passengers, vans are significantly styled for practicality rather than other factors such as performance. 

 Convertible vehicles provide an open-air passenger cabin for traveling during good weather and provide the protection of a retractable roof when weather conditions turn unpleasant.

 A car-based machine with large storage space.The body style of the wagon has a sizable accommodation for passengers and cargo.

scroll down and you'll find it
Sports Car
  Sports cars are intent to create an atmosphere of fun for the driver on the streets or possibly on the race track.Bugatti Veyron 16.4 – Frontansicht (1), 5. April 2012, Düsseldorf.jpg

Automobile Design

  • It takes 3 years to design a car.
  • When they start designing a vehicle, the first thing they do is sketching.
  • It is called problem solving because of the constrain of what they're able to put in an automobile.
  • The feasibility stage is were engineers,marketers, and a lot negotiation are involved.
  • No because I  would not be interested because of all of the stress and time constrains involved.        

Monday, December 14, 2015

Jobs in the Automotive Industry

My favourite job in the list is the Automotive Journalist because its the easiest job on the list and you get to write about automobiles and any new functions they have. It is also a job that many people possess. My least favourite job would be the Race Car because the attention I may receive would always be to invasive on my private living. The stress and trying focus on racing all the time would be a thing I do not wish to be a part of.  

Certification in the Automotive Industry.

 NATEF- The purpose of NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) is to improve the quality of automotive technician training programs at secondary and post-secondary, public and for-profit schools.
SGS- The purpose of SGS is to manage your supply chain, provide safe and dependable vehicles, improve quality, efficiency and protection,and decrease the environmental impact.
ASE- The purpose of ASE is to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive technician.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Careers in the Automotive Industry

  • Some of the things that were unheard of 30 years ago were things like stability and traction control system, adaptive cruise control and variable valve.
  • To be an automobile technician you need to have an understanding of math, science, communications and other technical skills.
  • An advantage of taking an education in Automotive Technology is that a course would take far less time complete than other courses in the High-Tech industry. Since the course does not long to complete most students who take Automotive Technology come out with less student debt.
  • The  U.S Dept. of Labor's Bureau of Labor estimates that 237,500 new jobs will be added to the Automotive Repair and Maintenance Industry by 2020. This industry is also expected to grow by 30% by 2020.
  • The automotive technician Career has become immune to outsourcing overseas unlike several other careers in the automotive industry.
  • Four positions that automotive technician can became when they enter the automotive industry are parts distribution, store owner, service consultant and service director.
  • It is called the portal career because so many people have started out as Automotive Technicians and acquired large sums of money for the work they do.
Response to the Video
  • One aspect I liked about being an automotive technician is that you may have to try different things in order to discover the problem the customer is having with their vehicle.
  • I surprised at how little information the student going to work at the dealership knew about Automotive Technology. I was surprised at how easily the problem was fixed despite the customer much about the problem the car is having.
  • Life long learning is the idea that over the course of your life you never stop learning information.It is necessary because if you never learn anything new you will never succeed.
  • They should have some understanding of how an automobile works and also any electronic devices that are used in automobiles.       

Friday, December 11, 2015

Part Two of Two - Tech for the Sake of Tech?

  • I do not find it surprising that people between the ages of 21 and 38 are uninterested with the amount of technology available in their cars because some of the technology options available are completely useless to their everyday lives. The apps might be interesting and show how far technology has come along, but when your driving to work they might not be as useful.Our generation however, might find these useful because where even more connected to digital technology than our predecessor generation and we also have a lot more time available than our predecessor generation as well.
  • I think the technologies that some drivers wished for in the articles like adaptive cruise control and blind spot warnings would be useful because it makes driving safer while still having the independence of driving. I believe these technologies will make driving safer and will not cause distractions because they will inform the driver about any issues they may encounter.
  • When buying a new vehicle my family a I do not look for any technology instead for other factors like P rice or Fuel Mileage. If the Car comes with the basic things then my family a I  are happy.
  • If I was purchasing a car I would like to have the feature that would be able to connect your cellphone with the stereo in the car. I would also like to have Bluetooth available so I do not have to use my cellphone while driving.
  • I think the most useless feature introduced in the timeline was the introduction of the 1992 Energy Act as it not provide any thing new to the consumer. The Energy Act encouraged car to run of other forms of fuel. It may have been great because car companies had to build cars that run on alternate fuels, but not providing new things that protect consumers and improves their driving experience.                   

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Part One of Two - Technologies in Development

  • I think the technology that is least likely to happen are the Next-Gen Active Safety Features   because how would this technology be useful to an automated driving system. If the majority of cars in the future become automated this technology will be useful for cars that still have Human Drivers. 
  • I do not believe that any of the 6 technologies will have a big impact on society.Why? Flying have been proposed for a long time, electric cars have been on the market for years and will increase only because Oil is a resource that won't survive the century, Automated cars and technologies that take the independence out of driving will not be popular with everyone. These technologies will be used by more people in the coming decades, but only a minority of the population will use them.
  • I think the first one that will be used widespread in automobiles will be the electric car as electric cars are already on the market, and adding batteries that last for longer periods of time won't be a difficult challenge.
  • Ford's new system will keep drivers safe by making drivers aware more aware of the situation around them by showing them traffic and making them aware of their stress level. If other drivers are not driving in an appropriate manner, you can be made aware and address it accordingly
  • I'm not in favour of flying cars because a car is meant to be driven not flew. An advantage of flying cars is that you could arrive at your destination at a faster speed that you normally would. A disadvantage of flying cars is that they would be very difficult to use for the average Joe. A plane is difficult thing to drive without the added benefit of also being able to be used as a car.
  • Self driving cars are could for who have difficulty driving cars. People who like to drive and see scenery may like self driving. I personally don't like self driving cars because they take the freedom of driving away and being driven around seems lazy to me as driving a car is not that difficult because most people living the West have automobiles and know how to use them.                     

Monday, December 7, 2015

Automobile Timeline

    1. The first thing I found interesting on the Automobile Timeline, was the electric starter.It was introduced in 1911 by Charles Kettering.I found this point interesting because in Canada, it would be difficult to start a car by using a hand crank especially during the winter months.
    2. The next thing I found interesting on the Automobile Timeline was not introduced until much later.I'm referring to first air conditioning system in an automobile.They introduced in 1939 which was done by the Nash Motor Company.I was surprised that an air conditioning system would be introduced much later in the timeline 
    3. Another thing I found interesting was the introduction of cruise control in 1950s .It was developed by Ralph Teeter.I found this interesting Ralph accomplished this feat while blind.He developed after hearing travel at uneven speed which he believed caused accidents.
    4. The last thing I found interesting on the automobile timeline was the introduction of the airbag in the 1970s. They first only available in the drivers side, but eventually they were available in the drivers side. I found this point interesting because I thought airbags would have been introduced earlier.                  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

My Video Selections

Tucker's Dream Impacts Auto Industry

  • Preston Tucker wished to start his own car company 
  • He designed the Tucker 48 with safety in mind
  • The Tucker 48 had a crush proof passenger compartment,a pop out windshield in case of collision, and a third light that moved with the steering wheel to constantly light the road ahead.     
  • However after an investigation by the government Tucker lost any new investment in his company.
  • Only around 50 Tuckers were ever produced 
The Assembly Line:Then and Now  
  • Before Henry Ford's assembly line in 1910 it took 16 hours to build a Model T( I added this point because it was related to the video about Henry Ford and his Model T).     
  • The assembly line became the mainstay of manufacturing any product after this point.
  • In the modern era of manufacturing,the assembly line has been replaced by robotic machinery  instead of using.   

Digital Literacy

Friday, December 4, 2015

Henry Ford and the Model T

1.The assembly line changed from being a workers moving from workplace to workplace, to a worker staying in one workplace and giving it another further on down the assembly line.
2. The reason for why workers stayed longer at the company and also why they were more committed to the company was because they were paid a fair wage by Henry Ford.
3. The first Model T costed around $1000.The Model T  was built and sold towards "the common man".
4.The Price of the Model T went down to $300 ($7000 today).Reasons for this could a faster rate of production,more Model T's becoming available on the market,gasoline becoming cheaper,and competitors to Ford in the market place.
5.When the Model T became the main source of transportation it offered people more freedom and made it easier to contact others.          

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Carl Benz

1. The automobile has been around for 120 years.
2.A patent a right given by a sovereign state to it's citizens in order to protect their intellectual property.
3. The title that Carl Benz gives to his new invention is "Vehicle Gas Machine"
4. The people of Carl Benz's  family that test the new automobile are his wife and his two eldest sons.The thing that arises after this is the first petrol station.
5.The Axial Pivot Steering System solves the problem of turning both wheels simultaneously.
6. After the 2 companies merged the new name was Mercedes-Benz. 
7. Benz witnessed something many pioneers never see,he lived to see his dream come to reality.      

Monday, November 16, 2015

Assignment #2: Cyberbullying and Privacy

 1. Non-Consensual Distribution of an Intimate Image: if someone has a sexual picture/video of you that was created in private circumstances, and that person knowingly posts it online or shares it with someone else knowing that you would not consent to that (or being reckless about whether you would consent to it), the person could be charged.
Voyeurism: secretly observing or recording a person who reasonably believes his/her actions are private and:
  • who is in a place where the person might be expected to change or remove clothing (e.g. bedroom, bathroom, change room, cabin, tent);
  • who is all or partially naked or engaged in sexual activity at the time; or
  • where the recording is done for sexual reasons.
2. Acts that Make Others Feel UnsafeHarassment: doing or saying something that makes someone else scared for themselves or someone else (e.g. making threats, stalking, repeatedly texting/emailing, constantly following).
Unwanted or Illegal Sexual ContactInvitation to Sexual Touching: encouraging a person under 16 to touch themselves or someone else for a sexual purpose (whether in person or online). It includes indirect touching (with an object, for example). When both people are close enough in age AND have lawfully consented, charges may not be laid.
3.  Police
     Options Other than Reporting
4. You should always include your age. You should always also say if it is you in the picture or not. You should also let them know if you sent the picture or video to someone so it does not cause trouble. To deal with peers you should never message back to a mean message. You could also delete the bully from your social networks.
5. What I found interesting about "Don't Let Others Write Your Story" is that everything they said was helpful, like sticking up for yourself.
6.  I could help promote the #changeyourstory is if they have a Facebook page I could share it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Assignment #1: Copyright and Copy-wrong

1.The Copyright Act provides that it is not an infringement of copyright to deal with a work for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire, and parody, provided the dealing is “fair.”
2.up to 10 per cent.

3. Copying or communicating that exceeds the limits in these Fair Dealing Guidelines may be referred to a supervisor or other person designated by the educational institution for evaluation. An evaluation of whether the proposed copying or communication is permitted under fair dealing will be made based on all relevant circumstances.

4.Any fee charged by the educational institution for communicating or copying a short excerpt from a copyright protected work must be intended to cover only the costs of the institution, including overhead costs.

5. A teacher can copy (or take any other necessary action) in order to display a work protected by copyright. This permits the use of whiteboards and similar tools, overhead projection using a device such as an LCD screen, overhead, opaque, or slide projector, provided the work is used for the purpose of education and training and is not already commercially available in a medium that is appropriate for this purpose. 

6. Educational institutions may not make a large-print book for a student with a perceptual disability without permission from the copyright owner.

7. Yes, you can play sound recordings and turn on televisions and radios in the classroom, subject to all of the following conditions: • it must take place on the premises of an educational institution; • it must be for educational or training purposes; • it must not be for profit; • it must take place before an audience consisting primarily of students of the educational institution, persons acting under its authority, or any person who is directly responsible for setting a curriculum for the educational institution; and • it must not involve a “motive of gain.“

8. No. Copying an entire musical score that is not in a copyrightprotected work containing other musical scores is not permitted. Permission must be obtained. Normally, the music publisher can provide permission. Sometimes the right to copy music is given when music is purchased. The music books or sheets will have a notice stating that copying is permitted. In this case, music can be copied without the copyright owner’s permission in accordance with the terms of the notice. Fair dealing permits limited educational dealings with musical scores. First, copying an entire single musical score from a copyrightprotected work containing other musical scores is permitted. Second, up to 10 per cent of a musical work can be copied under fair dealing.The Copyright Act permits educational institutions to perform music, whether recorded or live, without payment or permission from the owner of the copyright. A person acting under the authority of a non-profit educational institution can: • perform a musical work live if the performance is primarily by students of the educational institution; • play sound recordings containing a musical work; and • play radio and television programs containing a musical work while the program is being transmitted (over-the-air broadcast, cable, satellite, or over the Internet). The following conditions apply. The performance must: • take place on the premises of an educational institution; • be for educational or training purposes; • not be for profit; and • take place before an audience consisting primarily of students of the educational institution, persons acting under its authority, or any person who is directly responsible for setting a curriculum for the educational institution. The Copyright Act permits the public performance of music in schools when it is “in furtherance of an educational object.” Performances that are not in furtherance of an educational object must be authorized by the copyright owner, or by a collective that represents the owner.

9. SOCAN and Re:Sound can provide licences to schools and school boards across Canada

10. Did the music use occur during school hours? • Will the student be graded on the activity involving the music use? • Does the music use involve a demonstration by a student or teacher for other students, teachers, assessors, or parents? • Is it reasonable to consider the music use to be for educational purposes? The phrase “educational purposes” is not defined in the Copyright Act but can be described as an activity that is planned and where the objective is for students to meet one or more subject or program outcomes. • Was the music used on school premises? • If admission was controlled, was it free? • Was the music use for a non-profit purpose?

11. The Copyright Act contains a users’ right permitting anyone, not just students and teachers, to use copyright-protected works to create new works. This users’ right is referred to in the Copyright Act as “non-commercial user-generated content.” This users’ right can be found in section 29.21 of the Copyright Act as amended by the Copyright Modernization Act. The following conditions apply to the creation of non-commercial user-generated content: 1. It can only be used for non-commercial purposes. 2. The original source must be mentioned, if it is reasonable to do so. 3. The original work used to generate the content must have been acquired legally. 4. The resulting user-generated content does not have a “substantial adverse effect” on the market for the original work.

12. The Copyright Act permits showing an audiovisual work such as a DVD or video as long as the work is not an infringing copy or the person responsible for the showing has no reasonable grounds to believe it is an infringing copy. Teachers can show audiovisual works purchased or rented from a retail store, a copy borrowed from the library, a copy borrowed from a friend, and a YouTube video.

13.No. Teachers cannot copy an audiovisual work at home and then show it in the classroom. Teachers can, however, show a legally obtained copy in the classroom. A legally obtained copy includes a copy purchased or rented from a retail store, a copy borrowed from the library, a copy borrowed from a friend, and a YouTube video.

14. Owners of legal copies of computer programs may make a single reproduction of these programs in only two situations: 1. An owner of a legitimate copy of a computer program may make one backup copy of that program. The person must be able to prove that the backup copy is erased as soon as he or she ceases to be the owner of the copy of the computer program from which the backup was made. 2. An owner of a legitimate copy of a computer program may also make a single copy of that program by adapting, modifying, or converting the computer program or translating it into another computer language, provided that: (i) the reproduction is essential for the compatibility of the program with a particular computer; (ii) the reproduction is solely for the person’s own use; and (iii) the copy is erased when the person ceases to be the owner of the copy of the program from which the copy was made.

15.  Yes. Educational institutions, teachers, and students may save, download, and share publicly available Internet materials, as well as use that material in the classroom and communicate it to students or others within their education circle. “Publicly available” materials are those posted on-line by content creators and copyright owners without any technological protection measures, such as a password, encryption system, or similar technology intended to limit access or distribution, and without a clearly visible notice prohibiting educational use. Routine classroom uses may be made of publicly available Internet materials, such as incorporating on-line text or images into homework assignments, performing music or plays on-line for peers, exchanging materials with teachers or peers, or reposing a work on a restricted-access course Web site. To encourage copyright awareness and respect in all circumstances, students and educators are required to cite the source of the Internet materials they use.

16. No. A digital lock is a technological protection measure (such as encryption or a password) that restricts the ability of users of digital content from sharing or copying the content. The Copyright Act prohibits breaking a digital lock even for educational uses that are otherwise permitted by the Copyright Act. For example, the encryption on most commercial DVDs, or the serial-key validation required by many software programs, protects these DVDs and software programs from unauthorized use. These protections cannot be broken even if the purpose of the use is otherwise allowed. I do not feel that this is very safe.

17.Bob Smith(1969).A History of North America:1600-1900,Weaver Siding,New Brunswick ISBN: 0-0 -36758-863 $420.69    

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Journal Entry #7: Digital Access

The think I found most surprising about this unit is was the some the possibilities that were shown like replacing some current learning practices' with more digital based ones.I found information regarding Digital textbooks very hard to find.Yes I believe everyone should have access to the internet,but I  do not believe this goal will be accomplished within my lifetime.I'm concerned about my online privacy being invaded,so I usually follow a policy of internet neutrality,and do not usually have information concerning myself located online.Yes I do worry about things I  posted while I  was younger, because future employers  may consider it a hazard to their brand, or that it is unprofessional content for an employee of their company.I think the biggest issue facing young people is that there is no universal standard for privacy on the internet and many young do not understand the boundaries of people's online privacy                

Computer Parts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Assignment #2: Privacy Please

  • School report cards and daily attendance should be digital and passwords should be issued for parents to log in and check results.


  1.  Report cards written on paper can easily be lost, or hidden from parents.
  2. It would allow the caregiver of the child to check how well the child in question is doing in school , whenever they to see needed to see their "marks"
  1. Parents may not bother to log in and check how their child is performing in school.
  2. Parents/Caregiver may forget their passwords. 
  3. Information could somehow be deleted, hacked or altered. 
  • Schools in 2020 should be closed and teachers and students should begin learning in virtual classrooms using digital technology at home. 
  1. It would keep students from missing time due to injuries or sickness.
  2. There would be no worry about being late for class.
  1. Students may not bother to do anything while at home because they may only get any backing to ``do there best``mentality at school from teachers and nobody to encourage them to have a ``do there best``mentality at home.
  2. There are many more distractions that happen at home then there are in a classroom setting. 
  3. If they needed one-on-one help with the teacher , it would be more difficult to access this right then get it at a school.  
  • Digital text books should replace entirely paper textbooks by 2020 in New Brunswick.
  1. Students may become more interested about the topics presented in class if they have something digital rather than just a textbook.
  2. Unlike regular textbooks, digital textbooks cannot be drawn on or pages would not be ripped,
  3. It would be faster and easier to use.
  1. It would be very expensive and would not happen within 5 year time period
  2. If broken, it would be hard to replace.
  3. Students could ``fool around`` with them causing a distraction.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Assignment #1: Open the Door to Ecuador

1,2.Ecuador makes a lot of it's income from natural resources and in the future they wish to make more of their economy based on Information Communication Technology (ICT).
3.Ecuador will not have any advantages when compared to their neighbors because all their neighbors have similar programs to get their citizens connected to the internet in order to increase economic growth.
4."Infocentros" are public spaces that are used for computer services in rural areas.
5.The city of Yachay is a planned city in Ecuador and it's a technology Hub city.The university of Yachay is the first research technology institute in Ecuador. The main courses being life sciences, information and communications technology, nanoscience, renewable energy and petro chemistry.
6. I think Ecuador's advances in internet use are great and it gives more people in their country access to economic opportunity.I do not think New Brunswick and Ecuador should share the same goals because New Brunswick is much further ahead in getting internet access for it's residents

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Journal Entry #6: Digital Business

The think I found most surprising about this unit is how complex the business practices of PayPal were.I found it difficult to understand how PayPal makes its money and who PayPal serves.I found it hard to find information to how PayPal makes money, as no information was provided on PayPal's website.I also found it hard to find information about Google Wallet on it's website.If you are wondering why I did not attempt any other sources is because I did not have the time to look for other sources.I have never purchased anything online,but my family has and so far the experience is positive.I have never sold anything online because I have nothing to sell, also I'm to young to have an item in my name.One tip I liked that was provided was to make sure buying is done in a public place instead of sending it by mail or online.Another tip I liked was was to look out for large shipping costs while buying a low cost product online.The biggest issue with online shopping and selling   among  young people is that are unaware how the system of online shopping works and don't understand fair prices.       

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Assignment #2 PayPal

1. The service that Paypal provides a quick access to money.You can connect it to your bank account and your credit card accounts.The fees of Paypal are paid by the seller of the product you wish to buy.I could not find any information regarding how PayPal operates on their website.It is so popular because it transfers money between businesses and people easily.
2.PayPal does this by making sure this locked away in secret, however they do provide any information on PayPal's website to how they protect customer information.
3.PayPal makes money by charging the seller for the product.The way they describe it on PayPal is not similar to understand or at least I could not figure out how PayPal makes a profit.
4.PayPal reimburses you if the item you bought does not arrive or if it arrives is damaged as long as you meet PayPal's requirements.
5.Yes because PayPal operates in transferring money,so if they did not operate with businesses would lose a large amount of income.If a businesses requires something in order to grow,they will need to use PayPal.
6.PayPal is available every where, but google wallet is only available in the United States. Unauthorized transaction made on Google Wallet will be covered 100% only if you live within the United States.After knowing this information I believe PayPal is a better service.        

Assignment #1: Shopping Carts?

1.The 2 biggest reasons people still shop at stores is because they want to determine if  the product suits them before they leave the store.Another reason is that online shipping takes more time than going out to the local store and purchasing the product they require.
2.People shop online because it is so  much more simpler than going out to the local store. Instead of travelling to and from the store and shopping inside the store,you can wait on your coach for your purchase to arrive.People who have a tight schedule may not have time to shop in the store, so they shop online and save time.
3.I would prefer to buy in store so that I would be certain that the purchase suits my needs.I would also enjoy in store purchasing because it's a much more social experience.
4.Internet shopping will be the only form of shopping in 2050 because it is much cheaper to use the Internet than to go to your local mall and go through it to find the product that one seeks.Internet shopping will waste less time allowing you to quickly find the product you need than instead of  visiting the mall and sifting among all the products.
5.I believe that this a smart business choice because time marches on and digital communication between other people outside the traditional from of communication has been on the increase since the start of the industrial revolution.So I believe switching to delivering products that people purchase online is a very smart business decision,as in the near future this form of business will be worth a significant amount of money. However I don't image sending mail will become obsolete, as this would have happened when the Email was invented.
6.An easier way to return a product rather than returning it to the store is by sending it through the mail and removing the middle man from the equation i.e.the local business location and shipping the product back to fix the issue or get the type of product that suits your needs.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

Journal Entry #5 (Digital Wellness)

I never found anything surprising about digital wellness  and the issues that arise with it.Most of digital wellness is common sense issues like no texting while driving.I found it relatively easy compared and understood most of the information provided within the unit.It is mostly "common sense" things like no driving while texting or Pledges when not to use digital devices.I think the biggest facing young people and digital wellness is when and when not to use our digital devices.When it's appropriate to use digital devices is something that has wide range definitions and not many similarities.So the best thing we can do is have a clear set of definitions when we use our digital devices.   

Assignment #2: The Pledge

I will not use my phone between the hours of 11 pm-7 pm as the period of time when I rest.
I will not use any digital device if my homework is not completed.
I will not use any digital devices while eating dinner.
I pledge not to use my phone during school hours.
I pledge not use a digital device while someone is talking to me.  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Assignment #1: One Mississippi

1.It made me think that while driving that one's attention must be put on driving the vehicle and not reading text messages on the a cell phone.
2.This commercial is effective because it shows that cell phone usage can be fatal,even if take our eyes off the road for a couple seconds.It may not change anything because people may still not listen and believe that practice with texting and driving will prevent accidents from occurring.
3.I think an internal system within the car ,connecting to the phone that said messages like "can't talk now" or "I'm busy (I'm aware that system like this already exists in some cars) .
4.If I do see someone texting driving while I'm in the vehicle, I'll inform that I wasn't happy with the way they drive and ask them nicely to seize all activities of texting and driving and if they refuse I will find another source of transportation.    

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Journal Entry #4 (Netiquette)

The think I found most surprising about about Netiquette was that corporations can use over reaching user agreements into the products they provide.It was surprising because I surprised at the level corporations could go if you violated a user that you did not read.I do not most internet users concern themselves with reading user agreements when joining a website,because the process of reading a user agreement is tedious and most people lack the time.I would rate online behavior at a 9 because I believe no can attain a full ten.I will not use much from this unit,but continue to use common sense while operating my digital devices. I think the biggest issue facing young people while using the internet is a lack of patience when it comes to talking with others and reading user agreements.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Online Discussion Boards (Assignment #3)

1.They are similar in the way they expect us to use common sense while communicating.
2. I find all the guidelines included are important while discussing the standards for online communication.
3.I have never made comments on an online discussion board,  because I was afraid of being isolated in the online world.
4.Yeah I think I would enjoy a course because the internet is will be the most important thing the 21st century and a student conversation will be important to understanding how the internet works     

Do As I Say (Assignment #2)

1. I do not wish to lose a chance at making "a go of it" in politics and being a hindrance on the internet.
2.I do not wish to cause other people harm on the computer.
3.I like having a great moral compass and having a moral compass means having a set of morals and following them,so when I' m on the internet I'd like to have morals.
4.I care about what other people thing of me so I do not do things that the "average Joe" doesn't like.   5.I also keep myself on a "moral compass" that in 20 years the possible idiotic things I do may come back to hurt myself. It could hurt while trying to get employment and may hurt my position with the community around me.

Online Standards of Service Use: (Assignment #1)

5 companies that have service agreements are corporations like Facebook,Snapchat,Google Accounts,Netflix, and The App Store(I know that's 6 but, I wanted to make sure that I had 5 listed so in case one turns out to be false).One thing scary about digital user agreements is that your photos can be used without one's consent.If you post a photo to website which has one of these clauses then the photo belongs to the website/corporation you posted it to.Another scary thing is that corporations can remove products that were already purchased by you and remove them from YOUR device.They have this right because of the user agreement you signed,which may include removing,suspending a product from, well everyone who downloaded it and removing the product from their website.When you buy the product,your not actually buying it,instead your buying a license to use it.Anther scary user agreement involves making your digital device inoperable.It won't be able to use it's intended functions,like connecting to the internet or playing digital games. Also another scary digital user agreement is car helping devices like On star which can now track every move you do with your car  This is very scary because now everything you say and every law you break can be recorded.One scary thing is that these user agreements have clauses that remove your right to sue over what you made consider ill treatment.These were 5 things I found on this website .When I began to use this article as a source of information I wasn't aware of the vulgar language included and instead of finding another article I used this one (I was on strict time schedule while writing this article and did not want to start from scratch).

Monday, October 26, 2015

Journal Entry #3(Digital Rights and Responsibilities)

The think I found most surprising was how similar digital rights and responsibilities are similar to our rights and responsibilities in the outside world,like showing common sense.No I do not think most act responsibly online because statements made outside the online world have drastically different outcomes, and therefore most people are careless online.I would choose Thou shall be respectful of others opinion on the internet as my most important internet commandment.I think this is important because I don't think constant harassment should tolerated,as in real life.The biggest issue is whether or not the internet causes mental health problems. Maybe statements made online have a large influence over young people's life and have significant consequences.           

Friday, October 23, 2015

Journal Entry #2 (Digital Communication)

I was surprised about the all the different parts to digital communication.I never really thought digital communication until the project showed up and after completing  the assignments I feel I understand it a lot better. I did not learn much from the video(as the quality was poor),but one thing I did learn was that common sense also applies to a large portion of the internet.Other than that I never really "took in" anything else in the video.Blind Carbon is basically an email that shows who sent it to you and the information contained in the email,but not who the email is also sent to(it may not always be sent to another individual).I would use it the circumstance of a test of communication,to see if individuals in question trusted each other with"private emails".The advice I give to young people is to use common sense (like they would with someone communicating on the street) when operating Digital  Communication.         

Assignment #2 Acronyms Attack

1. I can think of 3 more,but I'm uncertain if the ones I may list may already be well known .One could be Rftr (Ready For the Road),Htfb (Hit the 4 Barrel) and Lgfr(Lets go for a rip).These one's will help when talking about offload vehicles.
2.I would never acronyms while in a professional setting like something related. I might use acronyms in casual setting,but never often.  

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Assignment #1 (Communication Compass)

Assignment #1 (Communication Compass)
1.The digital communication can be defined as having some from of communication in the digital world.
2.A few digital communication advantages are:
  • It moves much fast and is easier to work with.
  • No paper is wasted during digital communication. 
  • The messages can be stored on a digital device for longer times, without being damaged by the amount of information,unlike paper files that can easily get damaged or be eaten by insects. 
  •  Digital communication can take place over large distances through the  internet. 
  •  It is comparatively cheaper than material communication and the work which requires a lot of people can be done simply by one person as folders and other such facilities can be maintained. 
  • It removes semantic barriers because the written data can be easily changed to different languages using software. 
  •  It provides facilities like video conferencing which save a lot of time, money and effort. 
A few disadvantages of digital communication are:
  •  It is unreliable because the messages cannot be recognized by signatures.Though software can be developed for this, the software can be easily hacked. 
  • Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication can be harmful as messages can be sent with the click of the mouse not allowing the person to think of the full impact of the message.
  • Digital Communication has completely ignored the human way of life.A personal touch cannot be established because all the computers will have the same way of communication.
  • The establishment of digital communication causes degradation of the environment in some cases. "Electronic waste" is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small birds.  
  • Digital communication has made the whole world an "office space." People can carry their workplace to places where they are suppose to relax. Even in the office, digital communication causes problems because personal messages can come on "work" cell phone, internet, etc. 
  • Many people misuse the efficiency of digital communication. The sending of hoax messages or people hacking  confidential files , etc can cause harm to society.
3.One of the most popular forms of digital communication is the cell phone.Cell phones are used by a large amount of people living in the Western World.Cell phones are extremely small and can be used just about anywhere on the planet.The next most popular form of digital communication is "Social Networking".This one is second because it is very easy to talk with others and is easier to use.It is also very easy to access information.Email has become the least popular because it is very complicated  to make an account and is also not as user friendly as texting.
4.I believe that email will become irrelevant within the next couple of years because it is complicated to use and its day of use has passed.Another one that might  disappear within a couple years is the  "Audio only Cell phone". Desk top computers  will be obsolete as many people will use something smaller and more portable and hopefully cheaper to use.
5.If you are wanted by a government or some other organized military unit, your location could be detected by using digital communication.Your employer may be aware that you are interacting  on social media at your workplace while you are  suppose to be doing your job.You should not use social media while in a war zone as the enemy could identify your location and attack your military post. Using digital communication while operating a vehicle is against the law and carries a big fine as focusing on your cell phone and not on your driving could cause motor vehicle accidents. Using Digital Communication while in social settings can be annoying to other people using that area.Using  a cell phone can be distracting while moving around in a public area as the user may not notice dangerous situations.    
6.The two things that present a threat to personal health are the cell phone and social media Why,because spending time looking at a small screen isn't very good on your eyes and spending hours reading through Facebook isn't good for one's self esteem.
7.No because digital communication has always expanded and affected more people's lives.If you look anywhere over a large area of people someone is using digital communication.Most people under the age of 18  lack self control and may use something continually,that is why digital communication will continue to expand.
8.This should be up to the family to decide what to do with one's online records.The family can be contacted by the various connections the person in question made by digital communication.So,if the family wants the records destroyed or kept and documented, it's their right.           

Monday, October 19, 2015

Journal #1:Digital Security

1.One thing I found surprising was how complicated the process was. The process off creating a password and making yourself safe online was extremely difficult.The acronym SCREWBALL is a good example of how complex becoming a member of civilized internet is.That's what I found most surprising about online or digital security.
2.I found all the different parts very difficult and confusing to understand, but it is this way in order to discourage hackers and other online hazards.I struggled to understand the information provided.This unit may be important to others, but not to myself because I have great online security and rarely take risks.
3.I think my passwords are very secure and doubt  that my online privacy would be compromised.I make these conclusions because you would have to know a lot of information about me which is highly unlikely  that you would be able to glean any personal information to access to my online accounts.
4.The most important thing to remember when considering online security is that your personal finances are secure and that your private life is safe.If these things are compromised then you may lose things like your house, your car and other items because you will not have the money to make the  payments.If your privacy is violated then you may lose friends and family due to something posted online that you thought was secure, that was not,but in a majority of cases the most one will lose is their respect among peers.  

Digital Security (Assignment One)

1.The passwords listed are some off the worst because a computer program that is made for looking for complicated passwords we find these relatively quickly and the purpose of a password becomes pointless
2.According to my recollection I have never used any of the passwords in the past.
3.Yes I do consider Seniors and Adults more likely do use these passwords because they are not as computer wise ON AVERAGE than their younger counterparts.If they do we can advise them to change their password or if they infriltrated it still may be best to change their password.
4.Possible passwords that weren't included on this short list could be qwerty,123456789 and 111111.
5.A password should be at least 7 digits long to be NBED password so my guess is that it should be 7 digits or longer to be a "strong password".

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monster Mash

I choose this piece of art because I was limited for options and this seemed to be the best out of the pictures available I choose my monster because I wished for my monster to be independent of the pack that were posted.I was inspired by fish for my monster design .The easiest part of this project was finding my boat.The Hardest part was drawing the

Friday, October 2, 2015

Google Drive Apps

French Dictionary 
I downloaded this app on Google Drive.It is your typical translation computer device. It works by writing the word in English and translating it into  French.The app would be very useful at school if we allowed to use it.
Floor planner
I never used floor planner (as you have to buy it), but it is your run of the mill House designer app.If your into that sort of thing this app is for you.    

Toon Town Photo Bomb

I picked a scene from Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze.I picked this scene because Julian from Trailer Park Boys loves Dirty Dancing.I placed Julian from Trailer Park Boys in the place of Patrick Swayze because when Julian was a child he loved Dirty Dancing. He even played scenes from the movie in private and acted as Patrick Swayze when he this.I have considered a career in documentary and film. One thing that concerns me about this industry is the safety of myself and others around me because it may involve going to dangerous regions and asking risky questions.    

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Be True To Your School
My design is effective because when Blackville shows up to play everyone knows who they are.It represents our school because it is very simple.The most challenging was trying to fit the eagle on the van because it took several attempts to put in a suitable location and then erase the unneeded parts.I do not have any interest in digital art and design because I did not enjoy this part of BBT 10. I may work auto designing in the future,but I highly doubt I will because I do have interest in automobiles however my interest is not that high.   

Before the War

I selected this photo because it seemed much simpler compared with the other one.The easiest part was fixing the obstruction on his head.No I have never restored a photo before.I probably never will restore photos as part of my job because I don't think the jobs I will be interested will not include photo restoration      

Friday, September 25, 2015

Freak of Nature

This the animal I created.I used an anteater and a hippo. I selected these animals because they look unusual and when combined they look hilarious.The most challenging part was putting the anteater head on the hippo body.My creation doesn't look realistic because I was under a time crunch while completing this masterpiece .I have never used photo editing software before 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Plan of Action

The five techniques that I plan to use are: Rule of Thirds, Fill the Frame, Framing, Level Horizon, and Point of View.
 For Rule of Thirds, I plan to take a picture of a soccer net without the background and one with the background.
 For Fill the frame, I plan to take a picture of something up close and one far away.
Then when I take my picture for Framing, I plan to take something ignoring the background and just taking a random picture of something else.
Also, I will take a level photo for Level Horizon and also one that isn't level. I plan to take a picture on a 90 degree angle and one that isn't on an angle.
Then for the point of view, I plan to take a picture of myself and one that doesn't make sense.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Digital Camera
I like this camera because it is very small and easy to transport,similar to it's other competitors on the market,but it is one the smallest available.To compensate for this it's picture quality isn't the best. To take a picture you do not have to spend a lot of time setting up your camera,so you can get the picture of a Deer for example.If you want to have a picture with great quality then this isn't the camera for you.

The camera that I'm interested in buying is the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100. It weighs 8.5 oz [240 g] with the battery in it.The resolution of this camera is 20.2 MP. The shutter speed for this camera is 10 fps at 20.2 MP.      
Engadget rates this camera at 4.5 stars. Cnet rates this camera at 4 stars. Imaging resource rates this at Camera 4.5. Engadget also says the price of this great camera is $329 which is cheaper that it's competitors.

Prices for this camera are provided on websites like Amazon,Vistek and Best Buy.On Amazon this camera goes for $599.90 Canadian.On Vistek this camera goes from $874.99 to $529.99.On Best Buy this camera goes for $649.99.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Photo techniques

Rule of Thirds 
The importance of the Rule of Thirds is dependant on people's personal preferences to how they want their picture to look. The Rule of thirds may remove certain things from the area where the picture is taken. It may improve the picture or hurt the picture's quality depending on the picture's central focus and what surrounds it.
Fill the Frame     
When taking photos you may have to remove distracting things from what surrounds the picture's central concept.This is what Fill the Frame represents.Removing possible distracting things that the viewer may have more interest in, rather than the central idea of the picture.    
Framing is when a picture is altered and the background is changed or the geometry is changed to a
different angle to make the picture different.
Point of View
Point of view is when you take a picture from different areas and angles.This technique is important because it may improve the quality of the picture.
Level Horizon
When using the Level Horizon technique you need  to keep your camera straight so your picture can be level.It will make your picture more clear and easier to understand.    

Friday, April 10, 2015

Dark-Web-Journal Entry #6

In class we watched a documentary titled Inside the Dark Web.The documentary focused on how government and corporations infiltrate your online information and use it for their benefit.This documentary surprised me as it wasn't what I was expecting.I imagined a documentary that showed how governments abusing their authority and secretly spying on their own citizens for the majority of the program,but it also showed how corporations sold your online searches to other corporations for a profit.The details of these searches are similar to the product of the company that purchased your records.This surprised me, because corporations working together to accomplish a similar objective is unusual.The documentary also focused on discrete online search engines and websites and how it was used during various different forms of political unrest across very unstable regions or they could be used to purchase illicit substances discretely,without government monitoring.There is an ongoing process where governments are trying to monitor anonymous entities[like Tor],but the process is difficult as many believe it's another way government will extend into the last online stronghold.So were faced with a dilemma,either allow government to monitor everything online(which isn't ideal)or allow people to use anonymous websites freely and possibly allow criminal offenders to operate freely?          

Privacy on the internet

In class we read an article from the office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.The article presented a fictional school with fictional students and how those students who were very irresponsible with their information. It showed various different possible situations where the students information was violated,because of their false sense of security.By the end of the article the students finally understood that their information show have more security.After reading this article I think my information is largely secure.It is important to have strong privacy settings because someone will use it to embarrass someone publicly or use your information to blackmail.No information would online would be ideal,but unlikely because most people who live in the First World have someone line footprint.Being safe online will be and important issue in the future for adolescents.                    
                                                        Everyday Privacy
This article confirmed what I already knew.It shows how various different online users ranging form "shady people "to police or corporations are interested in your information for various purposes.Someone could be monitored at their favorite coffee shop or at home.Most of the information presented in the article wasn't surprising because after watching documentaries and reading articles in this class and also including my own personal research on this topic,I wasn't surprised which entities were interested in someone"s information.    

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reflections on my Digital Life

                                                             Digital Media                                                                          My reaction to the questions presented was one of interest because I was surprised about the amount of my responses that were correct in the questionnaire because usually without any prior research I do not a large amount of correct responses,but everyone else who be facing similar problems as myself.My colleague, Hugo and I compared answers after we had completed the questionnaire and we were surprised about how many answers were correct.I was astonished about how high of a percentage some of the collections of student responses.For example the percentage of student between the ages of 6 to 18 who have had a conversation about internet safety was 85% ,but I thought it was 15% I think the statistics presented in the questionnaire not presentable of the technologies I use.I consider myself a mediocre texting user as I do not use texting as often as an average teenager would in the developed world would,but I do use my phone daily for research purposes.I also have facebook and youtube accounts, with I go on routinely.I use my phone for sustained periods of time and I think it my most used technological device.        
                                                        Digital World                                                                              One upside for myself in the digital world is I'm able to get information about a topic much faster than going out to a library and find the up to date information on the topic.One downside of this is that information presented on the internet may be "up to date" ,but the information might be incorrect and when searching information online you have to verify the information.My relationships on social media with others is not very large.I don't not have a large amount of conversations with others online because I haven't been online that often to have relationships with others.I find society and the internet have a positive and negative partnership.For example:people use social media to organize events, whether there,significant or insignificant. Despite this a small portion of the online population uses it to intimidate and torment others online and other disrespectful actions.I usually don't create much content online,and never usually connect with others because those activitiesdon't interest me.